Saturday, October 20, 2007 My user name is hptchess

I have not posted pictures in a while due to computer issues. My new computer is on its way to HP for advanced repair.

I have found found a site to play chess on line. It is Log on and look me up. My user ID is hptchess.

I will post pictures again. Mickey sent some and I was going to post some but I don't want to spend a lot of time working on a comperter that may be near death.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

This is a punny post...

Look for the challenge question in P. 119

Here is an interesting Sutton website. Don't know if they are connected to us. I looked around a little and then needed to get back to work so I am posting it for you to enjoy.

::::::> Punny Part:

*Message left on an answering machine: Don't panic but I'm in hospital. I have poisoned myself. I ate what I thought was an onion. Turned out it was a daffodil bulb. Doctor says I'll be out in the spring!

*I asked my mailman why my letters were all wet…he said "postage dew".

*I know some people can tell time by the sun, but I have never been able to make out the numbers.

Ø If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?
Ø Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
Ø If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

P.121 Pushing the envelope!

When I was young I dreamed of being a test pilot. Flying
higher, faster, farther. Risking my life for the science of
aviation. But when I grew up I found out I wasn't qualified
because of my poor eyesight. Now I work in a post office
which gives me many of the same thrills.

I'm always pushing the envelope!

Friday, September 21, 2007

P.120 Red, white and together

* A plateau is a high form of flattery.

* Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

* When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

*A man entered the local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different entries, hoping that at least one of them would win. Unfortunately, NO PUN IN TEN DID. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

P.119 PIPE DOWN out there!

* We'll never run out of math teachers because they always multiply.

* The math professor went crazy with the blackboard. He did a number on it.

* The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

P.117 Yellow, I say.

The math teacher was hungry, but all she had to eat was a piece of pi.

Once you've seen one shopping center, you've seen a mall.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

P.116 Red, I said. (and math teacher puns)

Math teachers have lots of answers.
He became a math teacher due to some prime factors.
We'll never run out of math teachers because they always multiply.